Understanding Malpractice and Birth Injury Lawsuits

Birth injuries are injuries to the baby that occur during the labor and delivery. They can cause medical conditions that can be life-altering and can affect the rest of your life and the rest of your child’s life. Treatment can be costly and if your child requires an extensive amount of treatment, it can put a huge strain on families financially and emotionally. Whether the injury is caused by a doctor’s medical inexperience or negligence, this failure to meet a standard of care does need to be addressed. Medical mistakes that decrease your child’s quality of life need to be addressed and your child deserves compensation that can help to pay for care.

Birth Injuries

There are many types of birth injuries. Brain damage, shoulder dystocia, spina bifida, cerebral palsy, brachial plexus injury, developmental delays, cystic fibrosis, mental retardation, persistent pulmonary hypertension, are just some of the injuries that can occur. They do not happen because of malice on the part of hospitals and medical practitioners, but it is important to determine whether the incident was avoidable and is the result of negligent behavior.

Birth Injury Attorneys

Knowing that you have an experienced birth injury attorney working on your behalf can help to ease the stress of wondering how you will care for your child in the future. Caring for a child with medical concerns can be a major financial strain for parents, and an uncertain financial future can make it even more difficult. Putting your case in the hands of an expert lawyer can give you a sense of relief and peace of mind, knowing that you are on your way to getting a settlement or a verdict that will benefit your child and your family in the years to come.


Even though the months following a traumatic birth can be stressful, it is important to contact a lawyer as soon as possible. If you suspect that negligence was a contributing factor in your child’s injuries, find an attorney who can evaluate your case. There are deadlines and statutes of limitation on medical malpractice cases, so taking action will help the chances of successfully resolving your case. Your lawyer can advise you regarding deadlines, and even if these deadlines have passed, there may be exceptions. Statutes of limitation determine how long you can wait before you file a lawsuit and these laws are set forth by the state. They can vary anywhere from one to three years, depending on the state that you live in. The statutes of limitation are also affected by the type of malpractice case you are filing, and your attorney can help you to understand what type of malpractice applies to your case.

Get immediate help. If you have a child with a birth injury, contact the Missouri and Illinois birth injury lawyers at Zevan and Davidson today to schedule a free consultation by calling (314) 588-7200.

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